Disciplinary Proceedings for Students in Polish Universities

Disciplinary Proceedings for Students in Polish Universities: Consequences of Using Fraudulent Documents


For international students, studying in Poland presents incredible opportunities for education and career development. However, these opportunities come with serious responsibilities, including compliance with the law during the process of obtaining or renewing residence permits.

Unfortunately, some students due to poor advice or fraudulent practices by their agents face harsh penalties, including not only negative decisions on their TRC in Poland cases and Request to leave the territory of Poland, but also disciplinary proceedings by their universities.

This article explores what disciplinary proceedings are, how they can be triggered by the use of fraudulent documents, and the severe consequences students can face, including expulsion from their university.

How Fraudulent Documents Lead to Disciplinary Proceedings

In Poland, international students applying for temporary residence permits must provide documentation to prove they meet the legal requirements for staying in the country. One of the common documents is a bank certificate that proves financial stability during their studies. However, the last 6 months have showed that some students, knowingly or unknowingly, submit false or fraudulent documents through their legal representatives or agents.

When the Polish immigration office detects a fraudulent document in a student’s residence permit application, they immediately issue negative decision on TRC in Poland case, request to leave the territory of Poland within 30 days and notify the rector of the student’s university. The rector is then obligated to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the student, as the use of fraudulent documents violates both legal and academic regulations.

What Are Disciplinary Proceedings?

Disciplinary proceedings are formal processes conducted by a university when a student is accused of breaking academic or legal rules. In the context of fraudulent documents, this process is initiated to determine whether the student deliberately violated the law or whether they were a victim of dishonest practices by legal representatives or agents.

The Process of Disciplinary Proceedings

  1. Notification – The rector of the university receives information from the immigration office about the student’s submission of fraudulent documents.
  2. Investigation – The university’s disciplinary committee conducts an investigation to understand the circumstances surrounding the submission of the fraudulent document. This may include interviewing the student, reviewing documents, and gathering additional evidence.
  3. Student’s Defense – The student will be called to attend a disciplinary hearing where they can present their defense. They may explain whether they were aware of the fraud or if the document was submitted without their knowledge by a third party, such as a legal agent.
  4. Committee Decision – After reviewing all the evidence and hearing the student’s side, the disciplinary committee will decide on the outcome. The decision is based on the severity of the violation and the student’s level of involvement.

Consequences of Disciplinary Proceedings

The consequences of disciplinary proceedings vary depending on the case, but the penalties for using fraudulent documents can be severe, including:

  1. Expulsion from the University – The most severe outcome is expulsion, which results in the immediate termination of the student’s enrollment. This means the student will lose their place at the university and, as a result, their legal right to stay in Poland.
  2. Suspension or Fines – In some cases, students may face temporary suspension from their studies or be fined for their misconduct. However, these lighter penalties are rare when it comes to cases of document fraud.
  3. Impact on Immigration Status – In addition to disciplinary actions from the university, students found guilty of submitting fraudulent documents may face significant immigration consequences. Their residence permit application are denied, requests to leave the territory of Poland within 30 days are issued, and they may be banned from applying for a visa or residence permit in the future, not only in Poland but also within the wider Schengen Area.

Importance of Choosing Licensed and Trustworthy Representatives

One of the key issues in many of these cases is that students are often unaware that fraudulent documents have been submitted on their behalf. They may have trusted legal agents or representatives to handle their applications, only to discover that false documents were submitted without their knowledge.

To avoid these risks, it is essential for students to:

  • Choose licensed and reputable representatives – Before entrusting your application to any legal representative or agent, ensure that they are properly licensed to provide immigration services in Poland. Licensed professionals are held to high ethical standards and are less likely to engage in fraudulent practices.
  • Stay involved in the process – Even if you hire a representative, stay informed and involved in the process. Ask to see the documents that are being submitted on your behalf, and ensure you understand all aspects of your application.
  • Verify all information – Double-check the authenticity of any documents that are being submitted, particularly financial records like bank certificates. False documents, whether submitted intentionally or unknowingly, can have long-lasting effects.

By taking responsibility for your own application, choosing trustworthy legal representatives, and ensuring that all submitted documents are legitimate, you can protect yourself from the risk of disciplinary actions and safeguard your academic and personal future in Poland.

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