ПМЖ в Польше на основании польского происхождения

Permanent Residence in Poland Based on Polish Origin and Pole’s Card – No need to Stay in Poland to Obtain It


Very often immigrants with polish roots or with Pole’s card mistakenly believe that, in order to obtain permanent residence permit in Poland, they are required to already reside in the country, work, or run a business in Poland at the time of application. However, if you are an active entrepreneur or professional constantly traveling the world, there is great news for you: you can successfully obtain permanent residence permit in Poland without having to change your lifestyle or settle in one place. Moreover, there is no need to start working or running a business in Poland before obtaining permanent residence permit.

Freedom of Movement vs. Permanent Residence in Poland

In today’s world, many entrepreneurs and professionals of polish descent are accustomed to traveling between countries. There is no need to change this rhythm of life to obtain permanent residence permit in Poland based on Polish origin or the Pole’s Card. Polish law does not require you to work or run a business in Poland before applying for permanent residence. You can continue your activities around the world while securing permanent residence permit in Poland.

Our clients — successful business owners, executives, and international professionals who live and work globally — have already taken advantage of this opportunity. You don’t need to pause your activities or relocate to Poland immediately to qualify for permanent residency. It is enough to declare your intention to make Poland your permanent base in the future. You can start working or running a business in Poland after receiving your permanent residence permit.

Declaration of Intention for permanent residence permit in Poland

To successfully obtain permanent residence permit in Poland based on Polish origin or the Pole’s Card, it is enough to declare your intent to remain in Poland for permanent residence, as well as your willingness to work, study, or conduct business in Poland after obtaining permanent residency and moving to the country. This means that you are not obligated to immediately move to Poland or give up your international responsibilities. We understand that your business or work may require you to be present in different parts of the world, and this will not hinder your ability to secure permanent residency in Poland.

Our Clients Have Already Used This Opportunity

Many of our clients — business owners, top managers, and international company specialists — successfully obtain permanent residence permit in Poland while continuing to live and work in different countries. We manage the entire process for you, ensuring that your case progresses while you focus on your professional duties.

How Can We Help?

Our law firm offers full support throughout the permanent residency application process in Poland. We understand the unique needs of clients who are constantly on the move, and we help them obtain permanent residency in Poland without unnecessary hassle. Our experienced polish lawyer, Patryk Przeździecki, ensures the success of your case, regardless of where you are at the moment.

If you have polish roots or hold a Pole’s Card and are actively running a business or working globally, we can help you obtain PR in Poland without requiring you to change your lifestyle. Contact us for an initial legal consultation, and we will explain how you can start the permanent residency process today. We provide full support, from filing the application to obtaining permanent residence permit in Poland, so that you can continue your international activities without any restrictions.

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